Thursday 22 March 2012

Soirée de Gala

Perfect silk weather the last few days has given me the opportunity to try out various items in my wardrobe with my newest Jean-Louis Clerc scarf Soirée de Gala

My current criteria for scarf purchase is love for the design, a coloration that attracts and flatters my skin tone and a match for at least a few items in my wardrobe. All sensible and even then I often hesitate and don't buy immediately because I want to spend my money wisely and not regret my purchase.
On reflection I am even happier that I did not leave London with the red 70 but traded it in for this scarf because I absolutely love it and it fits into my wardrobe. 

A few pictures of Soirée de Gala worn with different knots and different tops. 

 I still have to try it with a khaki dress but so far, a good buy, I hope.


  1. A wholly beautiful addition to both wardrobe and scarf drawer. That soft gray-ish color--that gorgeous white! Congratulations, B--this is one of the loveliest scarves I think I've seen on you, and that's saying a lot since you are incredible in so many colors and designs!

    Hope Spring is treating you well.

    1. Thank you, dear C, for your very kind compliment. Spring is good for me but too dry! I am learning all the time and that's half the fun. The garden design work is really sharpening my sense of colour which then helps in my sartorial choices.

  2. So glad you are happy that you changed the red for the lavender/grey Soiree - like you said it must have been meant to be - it looks great on you and looks great with all your different outfits and knots! Congrats, SA.

    1. Thanks Scarfie. You know, I did not even have to think a nanosecond about the exchange. Proves again that silks find me, that I have to keep browsing and buy only when an utem sings loud & clear.

  3. So happy that you're still happy with Soirees de Gala.
    I have to say that lovely as you look in these pictures, the reality must be even better .
    That precise hyacinth/grey must be the most difficult to capture , and those splashes of tawny chestnut are genius.

    1. Still happy and with a big grin. As you say, capturing the colour is a bit tricky and I am not a great photographer. I need to find a moment to match this wonderfil scarf to a bag. Bolide or Kelly?

  4. Oh how stunning, I love that colourway. I really need lessons in scarf tying.

    1. Thank and Tabitha and welcome. Maitai and Scarf Addict have wonderful blogs with perfect instructions to tie scarves, I still need to master the weave knot.

  5. Totally agree, Soiree in that elusive cw is gorgeous, and perfect for you! Those 'kinda this, kinda that' colors really work for you, and the white hem is a TDF accent.

    1. Textilegirl, lovely to hear from you. Hope live is treating you well. The white contrast hem is ultra special and the white just jumps of the silk in this scarf.

  6. Wow! You always wear wonderfully and naturally gray-ish and earth colors! Once you wear them, they become glorious and radiant!

  7. B - this is a really gorgeous colorway and design on you! LOVE the white hems. I think it picks up the lovely brown tones in your hair and just complements your face and neckline so beautifully! You made the right choice and I love Le Clerc, but still on the hunt for one - hoping for a mousseline perhaps? :)

    1. lanit, thank you and so glad that you share my love for the white contrast hem. Hope you find your Clerc mousseline, BTW Paddock was issued as a 90 cm and 140 cm mousseline... just saying.

  8. Sorry for the typo- I meant Clerc !


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